Freebies & Zooms
Yes, some things in life are free!
Schools using the One Book One Day program can choose one of the following free options:
50 autographed bookmarks
A short, pre-recorded video "hello" to your school from Shelley Pearsall
30 min. Virtual Q & A (using Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype)
64 pre-cut tetrahedrons (enough to make a stage 3 tetrahedron)
To get your freebie, please use the contact form to send your school name and address, date of your One Book program, and your freebie choice from above.
Looking for more? Shelley offers 45 min. virtual presentations ($250 per session) for schools that want an insider's look at the writing process for the book -- and "all things pyramid" that inspired the story!
Shelley is a former intermediate and middle school teacher who has worked with more than 250,000 students as a guest author since 2003. For more information, visit or a contact form can be found HERE.